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Gamma Ray Burst 2 Billion Light-Years Away Impacted Earth's Atmosphere as Strongly as a Solar Flare

 Gamma Ray Burst 2 Billion Light-Years Away Impacted Earth's Atmosphere as Strongly as a Solar Flare


Last year, on October 9, humanity on Earth bore witness to the most awe-inspiring celestial phenomenon ever recorded. It manifested as a gamma ray burst (GRB) that surpassed any other known example in luminosity by at least tenfold. Moreover, its duration exceeded that of any previously documented GRB by a staggering factor of seventy. This event represents the most colossal explosion ever observed within the vast expanse of our Universe. From our vantage point on Earth, estimations suggest that such an event occurs only once every 10,000 years.


The initial inkling of an extraordinary occurrence came from various sources, including NASA's Earth-orbiting THEMIS probes, the GRB-monitoring Swift Observatory, and ESA/NASA's Solar Orbiter. Numerous satellites and ground telescopes swiftly detected it as well. It did not take long for astronomers to realize that this phenomenon far surpassed anything they had ever encountered before. It was promptly designated GRB221009A, denoting a Gamma Ray Burst occurring on October 9, 2022, marking a significant milestone in scientific exploration.

Differences in brightness as GRB221009A flared and faded over 10 hours, as seen by the Swift Observatory

Upon learning of this disruptive event, Laura Hayes of ESA sought to investigate its potential impact on the atmosphere. To accomplish this, she turned to SuperSID, a ground-based receiver in Ireland responsible for monitoring very-low-frequency (VLF) radio signals. VLF signals are deliberately emitted by various terrestrial stations but also occur naturally as a result of lightning and other atmospheric phenomena.


Such VLF signals traverse the space between Earth's surface and the lower region of the ionosphere, located approximately 40 miles above the surface. If the electrical conductivity or effective depth of the ionosphere experiences any alterations, these changes will be reflected in the received VLF signal by a recording device situated at a distance from the transmitter.


The presence of an ionosphere is primarily attributable to the Sun's radiation, comprising X-rays and ultraviolet rays, which dislodges electrons from their atoms, giving rise to ions - charged particles. Initially neutral atoms become positively charged, while negatively charged electrons roam freely. During nighttime, a considerable number of charged particles reunite, resulting in a lower ion count on the night side compared to the day side. This day-night cycle exhibits remarkable stability, allowing us to anticipate the behavior of the ionosphere. However, occasional disruptions may occur, triggering deviations from the norm. The most frequent cause of such disturbances is solar flares, wherein the Sun emits excessive ionizing radiation, leading to an increased number of free electrons in the ionosphere. Consequently, some of these electrons may descend below their customary altitude. These deviations are readily detectable by VLF detectors scattered across Earth, enabling the approximate mapping of the affected regions.


Outer space-originating GRBs can also induce these disruptions on rare occasions. GRBs can emerge from the collapse of stars into neutron stars or supernovae, or during the merging of two stars. Nevertheless, the mechanisms responsible for generating the most potent GRBs remain somewhat enigmatic. How do these extreme events achieve such incredible magnitudes? Contrary to solar flares, once GRBs reach Earth, they tend to be considerably weaker owing to their greater distance from our planet compared to the Sun. Consequently, the overwhelming majority of GRBs have an insubstantial impact on the atmosphere that is scarcely detectable.

Disturbances in the lower ionosphere can be detected by a change in amplitude and phase of waves coming from a very-low-frequency trasmitter.  These waves bounce off of Earth’s surface and the bottom of the ionosphere

Nevertheless, when Hayes examined the VLF data from SuperSID, she identified a notable disturbance over northern Europe that aligned perfectly with the emergence of the GRB. Based on this correspondence, she concluded that despite originating from a location two billion light-years away, the GRB had affected Earth's lower ionosphere at a level comparable to a significant solar flare. Undoubtedly, this event must have entailed an extraordinary explosion!


Subsequently, further studies were conducted, yielding two enlightening papers published on November 15. Nature Communications hosted a comprehensive analysis by a team of Italian researchers, delving deeper into the substantial effects of this exceedingly distant blast on Earth's atmosphere as a whole. Simultaneously, Science Advances featured a study conducted by researchers at the Large High-Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) in China. Their research quantified the sheer magnitude of the explosion, shedding light on the monumental energy it must have discharged.


The Italian researchers revealed that the gamma-ray illumination reached its focal point along India's west coast. However, its radiance extended across Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, enveloping vast regions of these continents.

The structure and depth of the ionosphere is different during the day and night, because the ionosphere is formed by the Sun’s radiation

Moreover, they provided an unprecedented account of the first-ever measurement of a GRB's influence on the upper region of the ionosphere, situated roughly 300 miles above Earth's surface. Prior to their research, no means existed to measure this phenomenon accurately. Fortunately, the Chinese satellite named CSES, designed to monitor the upper ionosphere until the end of 2023, fortuitously captured the disturbance during its passage over Europe, firmly establishing that this upper ionosphere disturbance originated solely from the GRB. Consequently, it can be inferred that the entirety of the ionosphere experienced the repercussions of this colossal event.

The LHAASO group detected approximately 5,000 high-energy gamma rays within a thirty-minute timespan during the disturbance. LHAASO comprises three detectors, one of which, known as the Kilometer Squared Array (KM2A), covers an area of 1.3 square kilometers and is specifically designed for detecting very high-energy gamma rays exceeding 3 teraelectron-volts (TeV).


Pron and Cone Table

A cosmic blast seared Earth's atmosphere from 2 billion light-years away.The burst occurred at a vast distance, with gamma rays traveling about two billion light-years.
Earth experienced an enormous burst of gamma rays from a source 2 billion light-years away.This event is considered the brightest gamma-ray burst ever seen, impacting Earth's upper ionosphere.
The impact on Earth's atmosphere was as strong as a solar flare, with the burst being the brightest ever recorded].The burst, known as BOAT (Brightest Of All Time), is believed to have originated from a massive star explosion more than 2 billion light-years away.
The burst disrupted Earth's upper atmosphere, creating significant disturbances.This gamma-ray burst managed to scramble Earth's upper atmosphere, reaching the ionosphere and impacting ozone levels.

Given the immense distance, the number of gamma rays reaching Earth from such an event is relatively small. This is because Earth occupies a minuscule portion of the sky where the event occurred, resulting in limited direct exposure. Nonetheless, individual gamma rays, as long as they do not collide with other objects, retain their energy throughout the billions of years it takes for them to reach us, apart from the slight energy loss caused by the expansion of space.


Consequently, the gamma rays detected by LHAASO's KM2A detector maintain a near equivalent level of energy to when they originated from the highly extraordinary event that generated them. The most energetic gamma rays detected by LHAASO carried an astonishing 13 TeV of energy. It is worth noting that in 2021, LHAASO also captured photons with energy levels ranging from 100 to 1000 TeV — the most energetically intense radiation ever observed, although these were probably a result of peculiar naturally occurring particle acceleration phenomena rather than direct explosions.

The red dot is the center of the gamma-ray intensity as felt here on Earth.  The blue line is the orbit of the CSES satellite, and the green area within that orbit is the duration of the burst (several minutes)

What does it mean to possess gamma rays with an energy of 13 TeV? The prefix "tera-" signifies "trillion," so 13 trillion electron-volts certainly sounds like a substantial value. But how powerful is it really?


Let us consider a scenario where we have a flashlight emitting 10 watts of power. In this case, nothing significant would happen. Absolutely nothing.

However, if we replace the visible photons emitted by our flashlight with 13-TeV gamma rays and direct them toward our tank for one second, we should prepare ourselves, as assuming the water absorbs all the energy, it would be sufficient to vaporize the entire tank, leaving it empty. This represents an immense amount of energy. Now, visualize an entire star exploding with energy of similar magnitude. It would undoubtedly spell doom for anything or anyone in that galaxy.


One of the reasons for writing this is due to a recent increase in peculiar high-energy events occurring in space, or at least a heightened awareness of such phenomena. Just last month, gamma rays measuring 20 TeV were recorded emanating from a pulsar within the Vela constellation, marking the highest-energy pulsar radiation ever detected. Additionally, on November 15, Nature reported an extraordinary explosion known as the 'Tasmanian devil' that was a hundred times brighter than a typical supernova and sustained peak brightness over several months. What is happening out there?!


On a different note, Italian researchers point out that if an event like GRB221009A were to occur within the Milky Way, it would obliterate our ozone layer and expose all the plants and animals on Earth to the full intensity of UV rays from the Sun, most likely resulting in their extinction, along with our own.


Fortunately, these occurrences appear to be exceedingly rare, but it raises the question of whether these events hinder the development of advanced lifeforms often enough to counterbalance the comparatively infrequent emergence of intelligent life.


However, it is conceivable that life may be concealed within the oceans beneath the surfaces of celestial bodies such as Enceladus, Europa, or even Pluto, thereby shielding them from such radiative assaults. If we want to discover life of that nature — and we certainly will make the attempt — we will likely need to focus our search within our own Solar System.


The current challenge before us, with numerous theories waiting to be considered, is to fully elucidate the nature of the event capable of generating an explosion of such indescribably immense power. Indeed, the Universe has become quite turbulent.

Gamma-Ray Bursts vs. Solar Flares: Key Differences

While similarities exist, key differences distinguish gamma-ray bursts from solar flares. Understanding these disparities is crucial in comprehending the diverse cosmic processes at play and their unique impacts on our solar system.

Challenges in Studying Distant Events

Observing events from such vast distances presents challenges. However, advancements in technology continue to enhance our observational capabilities, allowing astronomers to peer deeper into the cosmos. What are the current limitations, and how are scientists overcoming them?

Implications for Earth's Future

Exploring the potential long-term effects of such cosmic events on Earth opens avenues for discussion. How resilient is our planet, and what measures can we take to prepare for or mitigate the impact of similar events in the future?

Public Interest and Awareness

Communicating complex cosmic events to the general public requires effective science communication. How can we bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and public understanding? What role does the media play in shaping public interest and perceptions?

Scientists' Perspectives

Gaining insights from astrophysicists and researchers involved in studying these phenomena is crucial. What do experts in the field have to say about the significance of this gamma-ray burst and its implications for our understanding of the universe?

Future Research and Exploration

The recent gamma-ray burst sparks curiosity and prompts further exploration. How does this event pave the way for future research, and what missions or studies are on the horizon to delve deeper into the mysteries of cosmic phenomena?


In conclusion, the impact of a gamma-ray burst 2 billion light-years away on Earth's atmosphere raises intriguing questions and provides a unique glimpse into the cosmic forces shaping our universe. As we continue to explore these phenomena, our understanding of the vast and complex cosmos expands, paving the way for new discoveries and revelations.

FAQs About Gamma-Ray Bursts and Their Impact

  1. Are gamma-ray bursts dangerous to Earth?

    • Addressing common misconceptions and clarifying the potential risks associated with gamma-ray bursts.
  2. How do scientists detect and study gamma-ray bursts?

    • Explaining the tools and techniques astronomers use to observe and analyze these distant cosmic events.
  3. Can gamma-ray bursts affect our technology?

    • Discussing the potential impact of gamma-ray bursts on Earth's technological infrastructure.
  4. What is the difference between gamma-ray bursts and supernovae?

    • Distinguishing between these cosmic phenomena and their respective implications for the universe.
  5. Are there any ongoing missions focused on studying gamma-ray bursts?

    • Providing information on current and upcoming space missions dedicated to exploring gamma-ray bursts and related celestial events.

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